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Course creators, professionals, entrepreneurs: Are you getting ready for a new level of visibility? This 90-day transformational program helps you gain the confidence to build your business quickly with client-attracting video. You will control your fear of becoming visible, live or virtually, as you grow your business. We will spotlight your strengths and develop the areas which will give you charisma and confidence. Charisma is not a gift from the gods to a select few. It's a skill set, and you can learn it. Jump into the program, and 90 days from now your confidence and magnetism will skyrocket.


Want more confidence on camera?  This is your guide to makeup for video; mystery no more, step by step to looking great on camera.

A foundational course to pinpoint your ideal clients. Build a basic video studio & craft your scripts to focus your unique message.


You Are the Artist of Your Life

You’re about to discover a simple, but profound way to happier, healthier, more authentic you! Do you say yes when you mean, no? Do you work hard and long and feel unappreciated? Are your relationships going nowhere? Are you depressed and feeling hopeless? Do you feel like you’re living someone else’s life? This book gives you keys to unlock what is keeping you stuck. You’ll find immediately usable tools for your personal transformation. This book is also a journal. You can begin with baby steps, or leap into change – it’s always your choice.


How to Create a Powerful Presentation

YOU CAN DO IT! Do you realize you make informal presentations almost every day of your life? If you need to propose a project to your boss, speak to 6 or 6000 people or organize your thoughts for a class presentation, this slender volume will make your task easier. You are guided through 3 easy-to-follow, streamlined, practical steps to complete a professional presentation. By the time you answer the questions in the Wrap Up section, your presentation is done. Short & to the point, simple & direct, it’s only 3 Simple Steps to your success!


Tu Eres el Artista de tu Vida:
50 llaves para la felicidad

Estas a punto de descubrir que tú realmente eres fuerte y feliz. Ahora tienes la oportunidad de sacar a la luz tu verdadera personalidad. Acaso, tu acostumbras a decir que si, cuando quieres decir no? Acaso trabajas largas horas hacienda lo mejore que puedes y te sientes que nadie lo aprecia? Acaso tus relaciones no maduran al punto que tú quieres? Casi siempre estas sin ilusiones en la vida? Sientes que estás viviendo la vida de otro?Tus experiencias pasadas han creado tu presente realidad. En este libro vas a encontrar las llaves para abrir y comenzar la vida que tú quieres. La edición en rustica es también un Diario, en el que puedes anotar los cambios que vas logrando cada día. Tú puedes empezar con pequeños pasitos hasta llegar a saltos inimaginables.

Career Design & Power Performance for the Emerging Performing Artist

You, the emerging professional, are on the brink of realizing your performance dreams. Harness your ZEBRA is the map to guide you from amateur to professional. Are you tired of leaving your best performance in the studio? Have you answered hard-core questions about your talent and ability? Have you taken the Mental Toughness Quiz? Transform your fear into focus. Expend less energy and achieve more. ZEBRA will help you attain consistent professionalism with expert guidance. Adria Firestone pulls no punches. She has over 25 years of award-winning performance on the world's stages. This guide to career design and power performance packs a wallop of practical, instantly useful insight for an impractical, tough and irresistible business. Don't wait another minute – buy this book!